IORG in its commitment to promote Research has developed some tools that can be utilised

1. Mobile Application
Knee Registry is the First Mobile application and is an excellent tool in data collection of Knee surgeries.
Goniometer Records - Under development Mobile application whihc will combine goniometer reading with patient records.
X-ray tool - A Mobile application that will allow measurement of angles, lengthes correction od contrast brighteness and also writing text on the x rays.
Surgeons E-log book- A simple mobile e log book to help surgeon keep record of his daily cases

2. Services
Services Like MAPS, ALFA, ASAP etc are all designed to help out members in getting started with research and getting publication

3. Courses
Research Methodology courses are being organised to Educate. Orthopaedic Research Clubs have started to function in two cities in India and soon will spread to other regions.